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Sabina Gadecki

Sabina Gadecki was born on 28 September 1983 in Massachussettes having grown up in a Polish family, where the Polish was her mother tongue.


The main objective of Sabina was to become an actress and moved to New York to achieve this goal, she has worked on several commercials for companies like Coca-Cola, Clearasil and Axe Body Spray, also has done some work for magazines like Seventeen, Redbook and Premier. When she tried to enter the world of cinema in the movie "Mean Girls" she was not so lucky because they thought tha she looked like a very innocent girl and despite not getting the paper got a job as Supporting Actress for Rachel McAdams and ended up reading test lines with Lindsay Lohan. Her connection to the world of Poker took place for their entry as a Hostess at the World Poker Tour in conjunction with Vince Van Patten and Mike Sexton where she still works every charming viewers with her beauty and grace.






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