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Russian Court force ISPs to block access to all sites of Gambling

Online Poker may come to an end in Russia?

Russia is very receptive to the construction of the mega-casino in Vladivostok, but when it comes to online gambling case is already quite different! A small case that had begun in the region of Pskov region gained such a large proportion that the Russian Supreme Court will compel all ISPs to block access to gambling sites and gaming news!

The original case in the court of Pskov region near the border with Estonia, in which the authorities were in conflict with the ISP Rostelecom for allowing access to online gaming sites, but the court of Pskov ruled that despite the online game being banned anything in the law says that the law can restrict access to this type of online games, however later on 9 October the case went to the Russian supreme court which ruled that the if ISPs do not block access to online gambling sites they may have the their licenses revoked!

And worst of all in this is that the Russian supreme court went further in the restriction, ISPs should not go only block acess to sites that provide online gambling but every website that even contain information on online gambling! Like for example our website Poker Without Deposit!

Never in the history of the twenty first century we saw censorship beeing imposed to online gambling in any country as we see now in Russia, we sincerely hope that common sense will prevail and that these measures ruled out by the Russian Supreme Court will not take place!




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