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Australian Gambling laws currently under review

Australia intends Game safer!

The gaming industry always had a strong presence in Australia as it employs about 150,000 workers, and because of the social impact on Australian Society the Australian Government intends to review the law of online gambling in the next year with a series of measures aimed at preventing addictions in game.

These measures to be taken and developed in conjunction with the game companies for the purpose of giving the best service possible in the safest manner, the measures already identified include:

- Provide training to employees of the gambling industry to identify possible easily addicted to gambling costumers;

- Support most appropriate for each player;

- Prohibition on gambling companies from giving credit to his players;

- Prohibition on promotion of live betting during live transmission of sports;

The coalition invites all responsible of society and gambling industry to participate in proposed amendments to the law, these proposals should be submitted untill January 31, 2011




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